In the News
"Whether Annapolis is your home, your destination or a pit stop on the way to your beach vacation, Tastings Gourmet Market is the place to pick up a few provisions for an al fresco meal on the waterfront.”
The Washington Post
Les Trois Petit Cochon Cornichons are baby sour gherkins pickled in vinegar and spiced the traditional French way. They are the perfect pairing for pâtés, ham, saucisson a l’ail and other charcuterie.
A traditional French recipe, these petite pickled gherkins are farm-fresh and crisp.
They can also be diced and mixed into tuna or egg salad to give a zesty pop.
12.4oz Jar
Refrigerate after opening.
1 in stock
In the News
"Whether Annapolis is your home, your destination or a pit stop on the way to your beach vacation, Tastings Gourmet Market is the place to pick up a few provisions for an al fresco meal on the waterfront.”
The Washington Post